Players are reminded to repair their divots and pitch marks. Please Rake the bunkers.

Application Form

Thank you for your interest in Queens Park Golf Club.
Please fill in the form and you will be contacted to progress your application.

2022 subscription rates
are as follows:

Adult 18+ – £80

Seniors playing in Tuesdays Bi-Weekly 9 Hole Competitions – £40

Junior playing in adult competitions – £40


To enter club competitions, you will need to obtain an official CONGU handicap. To fulfil this requirement, we allow new members to play with members within our competitions if you wish. Three cards are required before a handicap is allocated. You will not be eligible to win any prize during this period but it’s a great opportunity to meet new friends and see how we operate. Full details will be explained at the time of joining as to what is required. Please do not feel intimidated by any of this as, although our competitions are played strictly within the rules of golf, we promote a friendly atmosphere within our games and any nervousness on the part of new members is usually overcome very quickly as a result of our welcoming attitude. If you have any questions, please do ask, we are always happy to give information and advice when asked. 

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