Players are reminded to repair their divots and pitch marks. Please Rake the bunkers.


Past Club Presidents:

Hon. Mrs. G. Dunwoody

John W. Farr

Kenneth C. Carson

Anthony B. Nutter

Steven C. Taylor

Chris A. Booth

Ken W. Bennett

Past Gents Captains:

1985  John W. Farr
1965  Ernest N. wilson
1987  Kenneth C. Carson
1988  John H. Soddy
1989  Kenneth F. Lear
1990  Anthony B. Nutter
1991  Raymond A. McHugh
1992  John W. Farr
1993  Ray Westwood
1994  David Smith
1995  David Capper
1996  John A. Fletcher
1997  Colin Percival
1998  Brian Affleck
1999  Tom Weston
2000  Peter F. Green
2001  Frank M. Dixon
2002  Ken W. Bennett
2003  Ken O’Reilly
2004  Roy J. Sparks
2005  Chris A. Booth
2006  Derek Moulton
2007  Ken O’Reilly
2008  Arthur Brown
2009  Andy Bennett
10  Steve Jones
2011  Peter Jones
2012  Martin Trump
2013  Mark Whiston

2015  Paul Evans
2015  Roger Nankivell
2016 Mark Pointon
2017 Dave Kedwell 

Details below refer to the members’ club based at the course.
For all matters regarding the course management, season tickets, tee booking etc.
please contact RM Estates.
Captain 2024: Richard Durgan Smith
President: Kieran Murphy
Vice-Captain Russell Faulker
Captain Elect: Dave Peacock
Hon. Secretary: Tom Jackson  
Treasurer Al Stephan
Committee Members Alex Edwards, Wayne Smyth, James Wilson
Danny Platt, Pete Allen & Mike Burrows


Handicap Secretary: Carl Willock
Assisted by: Mike Burrows
Juniors: Kieran Murphy


Life Members:
Brian Affleck
Arthur Brown
Kenneth F. Lear
Anthony B. Nutter
Steven C. Taylor
Steve Thompson

Past Lady Captains:

1985 Diane Hardy
1986 Janice Borowski
1987 Jeanne M. Soddy
1988 Elizabeth J. Lear
1989 Patricia A. Hill
1990 Suzanne E. Roberts
1992 Helen M. Prisk
1992 Sheila M. Westwood
1993 Andrea J. Huby
1994 Carole McHugh
1995 Suzanne E. Roberts
1996 Joan Nield
1997 Marian Simpson
1998 Barbara Hitchings
1999 Dorothy Johnson
2000 Elizabeth J. Lear
2001 Margaret Large
2002 N/A
2003 N/A
2004 Dorothy Johnson
2005 Dorothy Johnson
2006 Kathy D. Booth
2007 Kathy D. Booth
2008 Kathy D. Booth
2009 Kathy D. Booth
2010 Kathy D. Booth
2011 Kathy D. Booth
2012 Kathy D. Booth
2013 N/A
2014 N/A
2015 N/A


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